~ Surrender ~

Just got this in the mail today and I LOVE it!! Felt a shift as soon as I applied it to myself.

~ Surrender ~

This inviting oil helps one surrender aggression and a controlling attitude. Stress and tension are released quickly when we surrender willfulness.


Lavender – has sedative and calming properties. It helps overcome nervous tension, depression and chaotic energy.

Lemon – is stimulating and invigorating, promoting a deep sense of well-being. It is very calming and reassuring to many individuals.

Roman Chamomile – combats restlessness, tension, and insomnia. It purges toxins from the liver, where anger is stored. It also opens mental blocks.

Spruce – opens and releases emotional blocks, creating a feeling of balance and grounding. Traditionally, it was believed to possess the frequency of prosperity.

Angelica – helps to calm emotions and bring memories back to the point of origin before trauma or anger was experienced, helping us to let go of negative feelings.

German Chamomile – has an electrical frequency that promotes peace and harmony, creating a feeling of security.

Mountain Savory – is stimulating and energizing.

Applications – diffuse, directly inhale, or add 2-4 drops to bath water.

– Apply on location, forehead, solar plexus, along ear rim, chest and nape of neck.

Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitivity



Bergamot has the fresh, sweet citrus scent that is familiar to many as the flavoring in Earl Grey tea. Uplifting and relaxing, it is good for building confidence and enhancing your mood. It has a long history of use for oily and troubled skin. 
Medical Properties: Calming, hormonal support, antibacterial, antidepressant.  
Uses: Agitation, depression, anxiety, intestinal parasites, insomnia, viral infections (herpes, cold sores).

Fragrant Influences: Relieves anxiety, mood lifting qualities.

Application: Dilute 1 part essential oil with 1 part V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or other pure vegetable oil; 1. apply 1-2 drops on location 2. apply on chakras and/or Vita Flex Points 3. inhale directly 4. diffuse 5. take as a dietary supplement.  
Cautions: Avoid applying to skin that will be exposed to sunlight or UV light within 36 hours. 
Found in: Awaken, Clarity, Dream Catcher, Forgiveness, Gentle Baby, Harmony, Joy, Progessence Plus Serum, and White Angelica.

~ Frankincense Oil ~

~ Frankincense Oil ~

Frankincense oil is steam distilled resin from the Boswellia carterii tree. It’s distinctive rich, balsamic scent comes from the naturally occurring constituent alpha-pinene. Frankincense dates back into biblical times as one of the gifts given to Jesus Christ at his birth.

Frankincense is referred to as a “power house” oil as it has many uses. Here are a few to mention.

1. Helps Reduce Stress Reactions and Negative Emotions
When inhaled, it’s been shown to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It has anti-anxiety and depressio- reducing abilities, but unlike prescription medications it does not have negative side effects and does not cause unwanted drowsiness.

2. Helps Boost Immune System Function and Prevents Illness
Studies have demonstrated that frankincense has immune-enhancing abilities that may help destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses and even cancers. It can be used to prevent germs from forming on the skin, mouth or in your home. This is the reason many people choose to use frankincense to naturally relieve oral health problems; the antiseptic qualities of this oil can help prevent gingivitis, bad breath, cavities, toothaches, mouth sores and other infections from occurring.

3. May Help Fight Cancer or Deal with Chemotherapy Side Effects
Frankincense oil has been shown to help fight cells of specific types of cancer. A 2012 study even found that a chemical compound found in frankincense called AKBA is successful at killing cancer cells that have become resistant to chemotherapy, which may make it a potential natural cancer treatment.

4. Astringent, Kills Harmful Germs and Bacteria
Frankincense is an antiseptic and disinfectant. It has the ability to eliminate cold and flu germs from the home and the body naturally and can be used in place of chemical household cleaners.

5. Heals Skin and Prevents Signs of Aging
Frankincense has the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages. It helps tone and lift skin, reduces appearance of scars and acne, and heals wounds. It can also be beneficial for fading of stretch marks, surgery scars or marks associated with pregnancy, and for healing dry or cracked skin.

6. Balances Hormone Levels
Frankincense oil reduces symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause by balancing hormone levels. It can help relieve pain, cramps, constipation, headaches, anxiety, nausea, fatigue and mood swings. Frankincense oil also helps with regulating estrogen production and may reduce the risk of tumor or cyst development in premenopausal women.

7. Eases Digestion
Frankincense helps the digestive system properly detox and to produce bowel movements, reduces pain and cramping in the stomach, can relieve nausea, helps flush out excess water from the abdomen that can cause bloating and even relieves PMS-related stomach pains. It does this by speeding up the secretion of digestive enzymes, increasing urination production, relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract and also helps improve circulation, which is needed for proper digestive health. It’s been shown to be beneficial in reducing symptoms of leaky gut syndrome, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and IBS.

8. Acts as a Sleep Aid
Frankincense essential oil is useful in lowering levels of anxiety or chronic stress that can keep you up at night. It has a calming, grounding scent that can naturally help you to fall asleep. It helps open breathing passages, allows your body to reach an ideal sleeping temperature and can eliminate pain that keeps you up.

9. Helps Decrease Inflammation and Pain
Frankincense can inhibit the production of key inflammatory molecules associated with conditions like arthritis, asthma, painful bowel disorders like IBS and many more conditions. It can be useful in helping prevent the breakdown of the cartilage tissue and has been shown to significantly reduce levels of dangerous and painful inflammation, making it a natural treatment option for pain-related conditions that affect the muscles, joints and tendons.frankincense

~ Helichrysum Essential Oil ~


Helichrysum oil is steam distilled from tiny little flowers sometimes called “Immortelle”, or the “Everlasting Flower”. Helichrysum is a self-seeding plant in the sunflower family. It grows native in rocky and sandy terrains throughout the Mediterranean. The word “helichrysum” comes from Latin and Greek roots, meaning “gold spiral.” Its beautiful, tiny golden blossoms definitely deserve the name. Helichrysum is typically harvested wild from the rocky shores of Croatia’s Dalmatia region, but Young Living’s helichrysum is cultivated at our farm in Split, Croatia. By cultivating this rare plant, Young Living is helping to protect it from exploitation and over harvesting. In using YL’s Helichrysum essential oil, you’re helping support sustainable agriculture. Doesn’t that feel good? A little bit earthy, a little bit herby, its invigorating aroma can chase away the sluggish energy in a room. And that’s just the start of the dozens of ways this essential oil is a multitasking all-star.

According to the essential oil desk reference: The medical properties include, anticoagulant, anesthetic, antispasmodic, antiviral, liver protectant/detoxifier/stimulant, chelates chemicals and toxins, and regenerates nerves. It’s uses include: herpes virus, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, blood clots, liver disorders, circulatory disorders, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis scar tissue, varicose veins).
1. Apply 2-4 drops on location, temple, forehead, back of neck or outside of ear.
2. Apply on chakras and/or vitaflex points.
3. Inhale directly
4. Diffuse
5. Take as a dietary supplement

Helichrysum can also be found in: Aroma Life, Awaken, Brain Power, CardiaCare, ClaraDerm, Forgiveness, GLF, Juva Cleanse, Juva Flex, M-Grain, PanAway, Trauma Life and Deep Relief.

A few other uses from the YL blog:
– Add a few drops of Helichrysum and Peppermint to V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and knead into muscles wherever you need it.
– Hit a slump? Throw some Helichrysum and Eucalyptus Radiata into your diffuser. The fresh, earthy, invigorating scent will perk your space right up and help you refocus on that mile-long to-do list. It probably wouldn’t hurt during homework time either.
– Skin dull and dry from time out in the sun? Help revive it with a soothing, aromatic combination of Helichrysum, Lavender, and coconut oil. Gently massage the mixture onto your skin, then kick back with a honey-lavender lemonade for a total inside-out reprieve from the heat.


Purification is one of the ten oils that comes in the Everyday Oils Kit, and it is so awesome! It’s a blend containing Citronella, Lemongrass, Lavandin, Rosemary, Melaleuca alternifolia and Myrtle essential oils, and it’s another one that I use all the time!
Here are just ten of the many ways you can use Purification essential oil blend.

10 Uses for Purification Essential Oil
1. Diffuse to eliminate odors and freshen the air in your home.

2. Rub a drop or two on neck to help alleviate sore throat.

3. Apply to insect bites to help prevent infection.

4. Add several drops for a wonderful detox bath.

5. Mix a few drops into a spray bottle filled with water for a quick and easy insect repellent.

6. Use to cleanse cuts and scrapes.

7. Apply to face to help clear up acne.

8. Make a mister bottle and spray clean, wet clothes before drying for a fresh scent.

9. Using the same mister bottle, spray as a quick air freshener at home, and even in the car.

10. Diffuse just after painting a room to help get rid of “the paint smell” and to cleanse the air.

Reflex Points and oils 

Good morning! So when we talk about applying oil’s to the bottoms of our feet, here is why. There are reflex points everywhere. You can pinpoint your issues on your feet and effectively apply the oil’s to the corresponding reflex point. As an example, sinus congestion and cough. Apply to not only the sinus points, but the lung, ear, eye and diaphragm points as well. Use this chart as a reference if you’re so inclined. Have a great day!! #youngliving #yleo #essentialoils #organic #organicmom #reflexology #vitaflex #feet #oils #naturalhealing

~ Copaiba Essential Oil ~

~ Copaiba ~
Deep in the heart of the Brazilian rain forest, the copaiba tree is harvested by “tapping” the heartwood similar to how rubber and maple are tapped. The resin is collected and then steam distilled, a process that delicately extracts the pure essential oil.
Copaiba has traditionally been used in native teas to aid in soothing digestive discomforts. It also has helped regulate people’s natural immune response.* It’s no wonder why copaiba is so effective. Copaiba essential oil contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene: 55 percent. This is the highest of any known essential oil!
You’ll be hard-pressed to find real copaiba essential oil anywhere in the United States. It’s true, other companies sell copaiba “oil” that contains the entire resin or is a distilled form of the leaf. Unfortunately these products don’t contain the high amounts of beta caryophyllene that is in the Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ copaiba essential oil. – Young Living Blog –
Some of the most important and impressive health benefits of copaiba essential oil include its ability to reduce pain, eliminate inflammation, protect against infection, heal the skin, prevent fungal growth, boost respiratory health, improve the health of the skin and hair, improve bladder control, speed healing, tighten the skin, and lower blood pressure. Copaiba is considered to be one of the most anti-inflammatory substances on earth!
Copaiba Oil For Pain Relief
This oil really stands out as a natural pain relief. This property is used in many products as well. In fact, its pain relieving effects can be even stronger than Wintergreen essential oil, which is well renowned for pain relief. Whatever be the cause of pain, this oil helps in lowering down the sensation of pain.
-Arthritis and gout
-Pain due to an injury. If there is a cut or wound, apply it on outer -edges of wound to lower inflammation and pain caused by stretching of skin during scab formation.
-Muscular cramp pain
-Fibromyalgia – This is very helpful for people with fibromyalgia symptoms.
-Back joint pain and sciatica – Use deep massage to relieve sciatica using this oil.
-Copaiba oil can be used internally as a natural health supplement to boost health, lower systemic inflammation and also as preventive measure against cancer. It provides a wide range of health benefits.
How to take it internally ?
You cannot just swallow the oil directly, which may be somewhat harmful. Instead, add only 2 drops to a capsule. Then gulp the capsule down. Take no more than 3 such capsules in a day.
This works similar to fish oil in lowering inflammation all over the body. The effects may take time to be evident, but when they do, they are striking.
**Side Effects and Toxicity Issues
Copaiba essential oil is safe to consume internally in dosage mentioned above. However, in large doses it can cause stomach pain and signs similar to food poisoning after prolonged use.
Copaiba is a “driver” oil. This means that applied on top of or layered with other oils, it helps to drive the oil’s into the body. It has been said to multiple the effects of whichever oil’s you’re using by 10x! This sounds like an excellent oil to use and to keep researching about!


Depression, Anxiety and BiPolar



(I wrote this article about 2 years ago.) 

The story you are about to read is one that is so incredibly personal that I could not even begin to explain just how much.  I’m not even sure that I will be able to release this but, I guess if you’re out there reading it then I have finally reached that point of bravery for myself.  Why is it that mental illness has such a stigma attached to it?  Why can it not be seen as something just as debilitating and awful as any other disease?  Why are people suffering from it looked down upon or classified as weak, yet a person with cancer is not?   Is it due to lack of public education on the subject?  Or lack of experience? Is it something that we should feel shameful about?

January of 2008 I discovered I was pregnant with my son Owen.  We had planned for a second child but were surprised to have conceived so quickly.  Our daughter Isabella had just turned one in December, we were just closing on our new home, all while adjusting to new job facilities.  It was a stressful time period for us.  We lost our beloved dog Bear unexpectedly in March and a very dear friend to ALS that April.  My pregnancy was moving along in text book fashion.  I was healthy, the baby was healthy. Outwardly I had the appearance of the typical glowing pregnant woman.  Inwardly, a shift was occurring.  Storm clouds were brewing behind my dark brown eyes.  Feelings of quick irritation and sadness and panic and despair were building.  I couldn’t control any of them.  I tried to talk myself out of it.  My happy anticipation at becoming a mother for the second time was becoming a distant memory that I was struggling to hold onto.  I couldn’t just snap out of it, or toughen up like suggested.  I felt like I was swirling, spiraling and being involuntarily dragged down a dark hole of despair.  Then the panic attacks started.  The first one caught me so off guard it left my head spinning.  I was at work and received a text from our babysitter to take Izzy to the pool.  I immediately said yes thinking she would love it and never once thinking she wouldn’t be completely and utterly safe and protected.  About an hour later my mood changed in an instant as sheer terror and panic washed over me.  I started having irrational thoughts, convinced that she would drown or be taken by some stranger.  It bothered me enough that I had to leave work.  On my way home, about a mile from my house came the crushing blows of panic and anxiety.  I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t catch my breath or even take a much needed deep breath.  It was like being held in a bear hug, minus the affection.  I was in a cold sweat, shaking, heart racing, terror and dread running through my whole body.  I pulled my car over and tried to let it pass.  It took what seemed like forever but mostly it did.  It was a truly awful feeling that words cannot begin to describe.  This was to be the first of several panic attacks.

So here comes the part that’s hard for me to talk about, even now six years later.  Around the six month mark in my pregnancy I started contending with feelings of not wanting my baby.  We had found out he was a boy which I should have felt overjoyed about.  I always wanted to have at least one of each.  I was getting my wish!  Why couldn’t I feel happy about that?  Guilt kicked in over upsetting Izzy with having to share attention with another sibling.  Yet another irrational thought.  I kept trying to assure myself that I too was the oldest of three and loved my brothers dearly and never felt like I lacked attention growing up because of it.  I did not wish Owen harm but couldn’t fathom having another child.  I know many people have felt these same feelings upon having a second or third child, but mine went to a whole other depth.  The thought of it consumed me and left me reeling from several other panic attacks.  I was ashamed of myself for feeling this way and didn’t feel brave enough to talk about it.  I kept it inside trying to push it further down, trying to convince myself that I wasn’t going crazy.  Finally my husband and mother sat me down and told me I needed to talk to my doctor about it.  Reluctantly I agreed.  My doctor diagnosed me with perinatal depression and anxiety disorder.  She said that it’s basically postpartum depression but while pregnant.  She assured me that once I was a few months postpartum, the symptoms should subside.  Against my protests, I allowed them to write me a low dose prescription of Zoloft, an antidepressant.  I hated myself for having to take it and constantly beat myself up over this.  I felt weak and useless to control my own emotions.  Within a few weeks I did start to feel slightly better, numb if you will.  I was finally able to start accepting the idea of having my new baby boy.  We even got around to picking out a name.  Trust me when I say that this was a huge step for me.  Amidst the new feelings of numbness, I was still harboring ill feelings at myself for needing to take an antidepressant.  This continued even after I delivered a healthy eight pound Owen.  I still had moments of sheer terror and the feeling of being completely overwhelmed.  I drifted between the numb state, anxiety and a few fleeting moments where my former self appeared.  I vividly remember one night rocking my sweet Owen, tears running down my face, promising him that Mommy was here, somewhere trapped inside.  I swore to him that I would keep fighting and one day completely, reemerge.  My doctor wanted me to continue taking the Zoloft for at least six months postpartum but I couldn’t.  When Owen was three months old I needed to go back to work and since I have a job that requires a medical clearance and prohibits the use of antidepressants, it was time for me to wean myself of them.  Once I was successfully off the medication I guess I just assumed everything would be as it was before I became pregnant, but it wasn’t.  At times I felt overwhelmed, and stressed out easily causing crying fits and depression.  Other times I would get overcome by a panic attack.  It was a terrible thing to go through.  At the suggestion of my doctor I started seeing a therapist.    We discussed the non-possibility of me going back on the med’s and instead talked through what was going on inside of me.  She told me that no, I wasn’t crazy and that many people experience depression and anxiety.  She also explained how physically, I looked fine on the outside but, inside I was broken.  I believe this is one of the reasons why society does not understand or sympathize with the depressed or anxious person.  It’s not something visible like a broken limb or a failing body.  It took about six months to start feeling a little more like my usual self but it did happen.  I started exercising and eating better.  I went to see a holistic nutritionist that explained to me how different medications and the food we eat affect our digestive systems and in turn our mental and emotional states.  I started a diet regimen and supplement routine which included some essential oils that I took internally.  After a couple weeks I felt wonderful.  I felt healthy and for the first time in a long time, happy.  I enjoyed life more.  I wasn’t educated on essential oils at the time or I would have indulged in them more.  To be clear, I’m neither a Zoloft advocate nor am I against medications.  It’s a personal decision that each of us has to make.  Did it work for me at the time?  Sure, it helped.  It didn’t correct or fix the root cause of the problem.  It did a good job of numbing my mind and calming me down.  Please do not misunderstand; I am not criticizing modern medicine.  After researching tons of articles and talking to a bunch of holistic practionioners and healers, I strongly believe that diet, exercise, essential oils and natural treatments can help to alleviate a lot of illnesses and diseases.  By no means am I a doctor and if you find yourself in a depressed or anxious state or are currently taking medications, you should consult your doctor before ever stopping your medications.  Even now, six years later, I still find myself having bouts of anxiety and depression.  I work a full time job and I’m a mother of three very active young children.  The difference now is that it comes in smaller and much less severe waves than it did six years ago.  When I start feeling myself drift into this, I reach for my essential oils and evaluate my diet and life in general and make the necessary changes.  Young Living essential oils are very versatile and many combinations can be used to assist with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders.  You may need to try a few of the different singles and blends to see what works best for you.   Some of the blends I would recommend are:

Valor – Place one drop on the bottoms of the feet, or a single drop on one wrist and hold the other wrist to it for a few moments to balance your entire body system.

Harmony – Apply a single drop, over your solar plexus area (just above your belly button) to calm your mind and promote positive feelings.

Joy – Apply a single drop to the area just above your heart which helps bring happiness to your mind and body.

White Angelica – Place a single drop in the palm of your hand and rub hands together.  Then lightly brush both of your hands over your head, face, shoulders, chest and down your body, right over your clothes.

Stress Away – Apply to wrists and back of the neck to help melt your stress away.

Peace & Calming – Apply to the bottoms of the feet, wrist or behind the ears to add a calming effect on your mind and body.

These blends and many more are available through Young Living’s essential oil company.  And, as stated before, Young Living’s oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade.  I would not use anything else on my family or my own body but this brand.   Young Living owns their farms from which the soil is tested prior to planting.  Their seed to seal guarantee requires that each batch of essential oil is rigorously tested in house and via third party testing, all pest control is done using essential oils and all weed control is done by hand, thus providing us with a high quality bottle of oil.  For further information or to order please email me at Shannonshueyoils@gmail.com or visit the website at www.youngliving.com  My sponsor and enroller id # is 1648615, please use me as your distributor.  You can find my direct link on my contact page.

#younglivingessentialoils #yleo #youngliving #depression #anxiety #bipolar #naturalremedies #postpartumdepression #Organicmoms #organickids

Raindrop Technique and Lyme Disease


Essential Oils and Lyme Disease


The story you are about to read is one that is very near and dear to my heart.  It was the driving force that pushed me further down the path of discovering the true healing powers of essential oils.  When you persevere with love in your heart and fierce determination, anything is possible.

My Aunt Gail was just recently diagnosed with Lyme disease.  This has been an extremely long, four year process to finally get to this point. Without a tick bite or bulls eye rash, it is a hard diagnosis to come by as it can mimic many different things.

Four years ago began the slow decline of my Aunt.  Aunt does not even justify my relationship with her.  She’s been like a second mother to me, a mentor, cheerleader in life, positive role model, and best friend.  To see someone you love so dearly deteriorate physically, emotionally and spiritually right before your eyes, and not being able to help is possibly the worst feeling in the world.  There was no bull’s eye rash, no visible tick or tick bite to trigger a prompt diagnosis and treatment.  There was instead the onset of aches and pains, unexplained swelling of joints here and there, bouts of mild depression, stiffness, feelings of an oncoming flu that never amounted and countless other symptoms.  As you may be thinking, these are all very typical symptoms of Lyme.  Gail went to her family doctor and requested a test.  It came back negative.  As the years pressed on and the symptoms continued, many different doctors were sought out.  She saw an orthopedic surgeon, for the knee swelling, a rheumatologist, for possible arthritis, a holistic nutritionist of my recommendation, a chiropractor, and still little to no relief.  With an already known polycystic kidney disease diagnosis back in 2004, careful consideration had to be taken when considering different medications and treatments. A team of doctors at a very prominent hospital was also tried but without any positive outcome.  Frustration and feelings of hopelessness were starting to kick in.  On Easter Sunday of 2014, I walked into my Mom’s kitchen and found Gail crying.  We talked and I feared that Gail was nearing rock bottom.  We all have a breaking point when we feel terrible; nothing is helping, and feel that we’re not ever going to get better.  I knew I needed to do something to help.  I researched her kidney disease and other symptoms.  Coming up empty handed with only routes we had already tried, I suggested she see a friend of mine.  This friend is a very gifted spiritual medium who is also a medical intuitive, meaning he can see all the way down to the molecular structure of your body.  This is where we got the indication that it might be tick related.  He had also suggested that she come back and have his wife, who is an intuitive healer, perform a “Raindrop” on her.  Being that she lived over two hours away from them, it became virtually impossible to schedule the time, with her work schedule and theirs.  I decided to look into this Raindrop technique myself and see what it was all about.  My research led me to a website by a woman who was suffering from Lyme disease and how she believed the Raindrop technique saved her life.  I couldn’t believe it!  I set up an appointment with my friend’s wife and had my own Raindrop technique.  She very carefully talked me through everything she was doing and once off the table, taught me how to use each oil and perform each massage technique specific to it.  The Raindrop technique involves 9 different Young Living essential oils, chosen to synergistically combine to kill viral and bacterial pathogens, reduce inflammation, support the immune system, ease respiratory discomfort, relax stressed muscles, and relieve the body of bone and joint discomfort.  The combinations of oils are also believed to balance the energy, lift the spirit by reducing stress, and calm a troubled and confused mind.  It is applied first to the instep of the foot using the Vitaflex technique.  The oils are then dispensed like drops of rain, hence its name Raindrop, from the low back to the top of the spine and neck.  The oils are then feathered up the spine and different methods of massage are utilized to help push the oils into the body.  Although this typically takes between 40-60 minutes, the effects of the oils work for days.  The oils used are as follows:

Single oils

Oregano – Awakens receptors, kills pathogens, and helps digest toxic substances on the receptor sites.

Thyme – Kills pathogens and digests waste and toxic substances on the receptor sites.

Basil – Releases muscle tension.

Cypress – Improves circulation and is oil for pituitary gland.

Wintergreen – Reduces pain.

Marjoram – Strengthens muscles.

Peppermint – Promotes greater oil penetration.

Essential oil blends:

Valor – Structural balancing and alignment.

Aroma Siez – Muscle relaxation and pain reduction.

As you can see, this is a very powerful concoction of essential oils.  Out of desperation to help my Aunt, I started to perform the Raindrop technique on a weekly basis for her.  At the time of her first session, she was dangerously thin, unable to turn her neck to either side, her knees were very swollen, walking was a painful task, her skin coloring was ashen and she was going through a terrible emotional roller coaster.  Fortunately by the second or third session, she was able to retire from her job and just focus on her health.  As soon as I applied the first two oils she could immediately feel a slight burning sensation in both her knees.  This was a good indication that the oils were reacting with toxins in her body already!  By the end of the session, she had a little nausea which passed pretty quickly once she was able to drink some water and flush some of the toxins out.  By the fourth and fifth session, she was really starting to notice some big differences in her health.  Around the sixth session she was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease by a holistic infectious disease doctor.  Finally, we knew what to call it.  It didn’t matter though, we were starting to get somewhere with the Raindrop technique.  It has been an absolute blessing to be able to witness the transformation taking place in her.  Her energy has started coming back, her color looks better, we’re still working on boosting her weight but believe that so much detox is happening in her body right now that it may be delaying that a little, the swelling in her knees is also going down, with the help of a chiropractor she is now able to turn her neck a little more, but most of all her spirit is coming back.  I’ve seen her laugh and smile more now and that means more to me than anything.  I have my Aunt and best friend back.  I could not ask for more!  There is still a lot of uphill left but we are well on our way.  We will continue with the Raindrop technique.  It is believed by some doctors and organizations that Lyme disease never goes away.  I myself had the bull’s eye rash about 3 years ago.  I was one of the lucky ones and was treated right away.  Some believe the Lyme spirochete can lie dormant along your spine and activate at any time the body undergoes major illness or stress.  I’m not taking that chance.  I too will get a yearly Raindrop, if for nothing else than an immune system boost.  In fact, everyone can benefit from a Raindrop.  Please make sure that you find someone who is certified or trained in performing the raindrop before you receive one.  All medical conditions should be reviewed by your therapist as adjustments or oil substitutes may need to be made.  Raindrop can also be performed on children, but amounts and dilutions of the oils are necessary.

#raindroptechnique #yleo #younglivingessentialoils #youngliving #oils #essentialoils #organicmom #organickids #naturalremedies #lymedisease #naturescure #energyhealer